If you’re reading this article, it’s probably because you’re new to ”SEO” and want to grow your ranking at search engines right?
Ok, the good news is you are at the right place and if you take action after reading these tips your new website will rank better at Search engines. Yaayyy!
Today you’re going to see the 5 most effective SEO tips for new websites or blogs that we are using for our clients too. So let’s get started.
SEO Tip 1 – Create content with a friendly tone to keep visitors on your site longer

When your content is written in a friendly tone and easy to read, people will spend more time on your site and that is a great signal for Google to understand your page’s quality.
Most of us probably exit from a page before reading the blog post to the end more than once right?
And every time this happens the search engine’s algorithm thinks that there should be a problem with the content.
Think about Youtube, if a video has a lower watching time, Youtube doesn’t promote that video to newer audiences.
Google and other search engines work the same, the first thing to do for better SEO is creating content with an engaging and friendly tone.
After all, your visitors are humans, not search engines. An algorithm can only use the signals coming from other people to decide about the ranking of your website.
So how about this blog post? Are you still with me Human? 🙂
SEO Tip 2 – Improve your website speed and attract more visitors

Especially it is a great topic for another blog post but I will try to cover some key points now.
Speed is very critical when it comes to SEO, You know why?
Because when somebody clicks your link but cancel before your site loads, it’s a bad sign for Search engines.
The more important part is not about SEO actually, it is about losing money, and believe me it’s way more than you think.
I want to demonstrate this for a second to explain how big your loss will be if you do not optimize the speed of your new website.
Let say your website gets 1.000 clicks every day and because its loading time is slow, 400 visitors change their mind and cancel your page before seeing the content.
That’s huge,
Well let’s say you made some small changes to speed up your website,
If only 4 people from 400 will decide to follow you after seeing the content, it makes 1.460 new followers in a year for you or your business which also means MONEY!
So if we agreed on how critical the website speed is and if you start thinking about how to speed up your content, let me give you 2 simple tasks.
- First of all, start resizing your big size images, these images are the biggest reason to make your page’s loading time slow.
- There are specific programs and apps that you can use but for me, the fastest and easy way for downsizing images is using websites like TinyPng. It can downsize your images without losing too much quality and also it’s free
- The other important key point is using a caching plugin. It also resizes the images on your site and does a lot of other cool stuff to speed your website up
There are many other tricks about speed but only these two will improve your site speed %30 up.
By the way, you are welcome, I just save %30 of your revenue right now 🙂
SEO Tip 3 – Make sure that your website is mobile-friendly

Everybody loves their smartphone, right? I can’t go out without it. I know you feel the same.
Today %70 of web searches are made by smartphones and it’s a huge number. So if your site is not mobile-friendly, you are losing a ton of traffic too. ( I mean MONEY )
SEO looks very complex for a lot of people, maybe for you too but understanding one major rule is very important. If you know how to keep visitors on your site for a long time, Google rewards your website.
Ohh that simple?
Of course not, when it comes to SEO, it is complex and there is a lot to do, but my goal is not to make you an SEO expert here. I just want to explain why it is important.
Anyway back to the point, having a good design for a desktop computer means nothing anymore. Our site must look good on mobile too.
So how do we understand it is mobile-friendly? Google has a great tool for that, you can check Mobile-Friendly Tool. If it says your site is not mobile-friendly, you have some design work to do before SEO.
SEO Tip 4 – Using Keywords right

Keywords are the most important aspects when it comes to SEO. I think all of us know that. Everybody talks about keywords, oh my god it’s everywhere.
So why keywords are important and how to find good ones?
Keywords are the main sources for search engines to understand the content and match the best content with the right audience. I can understand that but which keyword?
You know what, you and I are very smart people and I think we can find the best keywords by guessing.
Let’s make some practice to find the best keywords for an SEO related article together. Are you ready? 3, 2, 1 Go!
Hmm, well, hmmmmmmm…
Not that easy right 🙂 or even we find some they probably not gonna work well for us.
That’s why keyword research is critical for SEO and higher traffic.
If I write ” SEO ” to a search engine, it will automatically show me related results with a hierarchy. What if I write ” best SEO tips for a food blog ” results will be different.
It means there is a different competition in different keywords and as a beginner, targeting the high competition keywords can not help my website right?
It also means if I choose to focus on low competition keywords my content will be more visible to my audience.
To do that, we need to use some tools. Google keyword planner will be a good start also check SEMRush and Ahref’s keyword explorer are valuable sources too.
Hey, Are you still with me?
If so thank you for your patience. Hang on for one more step and we are done.
SEO Tip 5 – Serve better than your competitors and ask for a testimonial
If you are a business owner and have a new website or a blog, you probably need SEO to grow your business online fast?
But there is a big competition out there and ranking your website at the top results will take a long time right?
So is there any trick to eliminate all this competition without spending tons of money on advertisement?
Well, guess what I have good news for you.
When somebody searches for a specific product or service on Google, they will see the sponsored ads first.
Then top-ranked websites, but there is also a map section on the first page related to the distance and google reviews.
It means even if your website is new, you have a chance to reach the local audience on the top results. They can check your website, call you directly or visit your store/office if you have good reviews.
Having customer testimonials are a great way to build trust online and as always Google rewards successful websites.
To achieve this goal there are simple tasks to do.
- Set up Google My Business profile to show your business details
- Set up Google Analytics to monitor your website visitors and optimize your results
- The rest is all about communication. Serve better than the market and ask for a testimonial on Google.
You finally reach the end of this blog and to celebrate this I have a bonus tip for you. Do not worry it’s a short one but I think the most important one.
Which is;
Take action today!
Ok, I hope you will find value in this article. There will be much more content on our Digital Marketing Blog. For better results stay tuned and stay safe.